More about our Church
We would like to assure you of our love, support
and prayers following your recent bereavement.
What You Can Expect for a Funeral
We hope this will give you answers to questions that you
may not have thought of and therefore avoid unnecessary
distress to you and your family.
(Including burial of ashes)
If your loved one lived in the Parish and you wish for them to be buried in the churchyard, this can be arranged.
All parishioners have a right to be buried in their local churchyard if room permits. If the person lived outside the parish but regularly worshipped with us and their name is on the Church Electoral Roll; they have the same burial rights as residents of the parish. Unfortunately we cannot permit others who did not live within the Parish boundaries to be buried in the churchyard unless the burial is to be in an existing grave. New graves will always be dug next in line.
There is no automatic right in English law to erect memorials. A churchyard is very different from a local authority cemetery, and the rights of individual parishioners are limited and must be compatible with the Christian religion. Permission has to be sought from the Chancellor of the Diocese of Oxford before anything permanent is placed on a grave. For a full description of the memorial guidelines, please see the memorials booklet in the church.
hiring the ark
Our Ark Hall is available for hire after a funeral for refreshments for family and friends. We have a resident caterer who will provide whatever refreshments you wish and the hall is within the church grounds, making it convenient for the congregation to access after the service.
PLEASE call or email the parish office to arrange a FUNERAL
0118 969 3298